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Tips on how to become famous among your friends and family


In this era of technology to laugh and to live feel free is almost impossible due to stress and tension by work pressure and personal issues in our daily life, but still in this deep tension and stress if you manage to bring a small and sweet smile on your face then it is healthy for your mind and the people whom you meet daily. You should behave politely with your friends, relatives, colleagues and life partner as it reflects your manners and morals in life, this kind of polite behavior will also help you to gain fame and recognition among the your near ones. If you really want to behave nice with others and want to have respect for you from your close ones and also to maintain sweet relationship with them, then by making few changes in your daily behavior you can easily attain this all, so for becoming good and known among your friends and society you are just needed to follow few easy tips which are mentioned below:

Say no to jealousy

First of all you are needed to eradicate the excessive feel of jealousy and anger from your friends and inmates whenever you find them successful and doing well in their lives. The approach of jealousy is really a bad and negative quality of yours which should not be observed, it also tampers your success in professional and personal life as well as destroys positive qualities from you. 

Friend in need is friend indeed

Always be ready to help your friends and close ones as per your abilities and your help should be a self less one without any self interest of yours. Whenever you help out anybody from any trouble then it makes a respectable position of yours in the mind of that needy person. So, helping nature should be practiced for creating a feel of joy in inner soul and compassion within you. 

Forgiveness is great donation

Although it is a tougher task but you should learn to forgive people whenever they commit mistakes. Forgiveness is not a coward's act or a sign of inability in fact it is the reflection of yours which shows the good approach of steadiness and patience within you. People always seek for any chance or possibility to take revenge from you for your past mistake, so you should always be careful and be a good forgiver in your daily life. Whenever you forgive your friend, colleague, family member or even a stranger on their mistakes you will definitely feel light and compassionate, it will also increase your prestige among your inmates.

Always speak sweet and polite

It is obvious that speaking sweet and polite creates a good impression of yours even on strangers and known people, but if you are very harsh and rude in your words then it will create distance and bitterness among the relationships with close ones. Hence, always be careful whenever you speak to anybody you should be polite, humble and sweet in your words. 

Share your happiness

Sharing your happiness and laughter is the best way of attaining a respectable and friendly position with your inmates, so always try to smile even in serious issues and problems. You should also try to share your happy moments like birthdays, anniversary or any success with your friends so that they also join with you and you feel good. 

Change is law of nature

It has been observed that majority of people do not like changing themselves even in their attitude or behavior, but change is law of nature and people do change as per the situations they face in their life. You should always be practical to welcome any change in your life if it is good, healthy and productive to you. By behaving good and nice it will give you a boast and change of mind and soul, also it will increase the number of people who likes you and of course you will enjoy your life with flying colors.

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