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Tips on how to deal with your boss at office


It is obvious that you will be having a very strict boss in your company, and that boss also have many senior executives above him. Even freelance and self employed professionals have some responsibilities towards their clients. Every employee wants to do a job which suits his interests but still we are bounded to do certain works in our job which are not in our interests or can give us growth in our career. Sometimes your boss can scold you for your carelessness or mistakes in your work, in such situations you should maintain tolerance and keep your mind calm. You should not over react to such situations by speaking bad or annoying words to your boss. Below I am giving you some tips which should be avoided while dealing your boss.

This is not my mistake

Whenever you speak this line this is not my mistake, your boss starts to see you as the main culprit behind the mistake and in a team work based job you can not leave entire burden on a single person. So, whenever you find any mistake or negligence in doing a project work or task in your job then you should inform your boss. You should try to find most possible solution or try to avoid doing such mistake again in the project work or task given by your boss. In most of the cases, your boss can not judge it properly that who is the main person behind this mistake and what is the level of the person who did mistake. So, you should avoid imposing entire burden on a single person and should humbly accept the mistake as a genuine team member of the project.

This is not my problem

It means that you are careless and you do not care about any other problem raised by your team member in the project or the task or any other problem in office. You should not show a careless attitude and should participate to find solutions of any problem with your boss. If your time is getting wasted due to concentration on the problems of other employees then you should inform your boss and do accordingly as per his orders. The best advice is to keep quite and try to help in the situation.

This is not my work

Your boss will decide that the work will suite you or not, by judging your capabilities, so you should not say these lines to your boss that this is not my work, it will create a negative impact on your boss's mind that you are incapable and less talented. In these type of situation when your boss is offering you a work which is not suitable according to you then instead of fighting with him over it you should try to inform him that you are having some other important works to do, still if your boss thinks like that only you can do that work then you should take it as a compliment that your boss holds a good trust on your capabilities and working knowledge.

Anybody can do it easily

In other words this statement means that this work is very easy and not so important to you. You are very talent to finish this job and it develops a negative approach of over confidence. In such cases if you are having some other important jobs then you should tell your boss about them and try to finish this new work after some time later on.

This is impossible

This type of reaction shows that you are incapable or not interested to do this work, it will also develops a negative impact on your boss's mind that you are not taking your job seriously. Instead of showing incapability you should try to do that task with some planning and new techniques. Generally, your boss is himself aware of the nature of the task that it is possible or not, but they can not digest that you are quitting without trying to do that task in an oriented way.

How can I do so many tasks at a time?

You should avoid speaking such statements to your boss as it will clearly show your unwillingness to do the task or given work. Instead of speaking it in a direct manner you should try to express your concern by giving an example that it can affect your work quality or you should try to tell about your work pressure to your boss in a light manner.

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