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Best fitness tips for you while working in office


It is really necessary for you to maintain proper fitness level while working in your office, so you should always do some small and easy exercises to keep you attentive, fit and fine. Though these exercises are very easy and simple looking but they really help in to give you relaxation to your eyes, neck and wrists. You should do few exercises as they keep you tension free, prevents physical diseases and gives you a boost for doing your job work rapidly. Below I am enlisting few exercises which can be done in office while working and they are really helpful.

Special exercises for your finger

You should do some special exercises for finger, as in present time everybody has to do work on personal computer for hours and they have to type on keyboard at a stretch, by doing finger exercises you will get relief to your fingers, wrist and shoulders. You should avoid continuous typing on keyboard and should take short breaks while doing any task on computer. You should rub the front part of your fingers for removing pain and while rubbing you should give light pressure on your fingers for keeping them always active, not in idle mode. 

Some exercises for your eyes

Avoid sitting on your computer for hours at a stretch, as due to continuous eye contact they can get swell or also you can experience pain in your eyes. Eyes are the most sensitive organ of your body so you should be careful and always roam for 10 to 15 minutes from your desk. You can close your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes after lunch break in office for giving them relaxation, but remember you should not sleep in this process. You should always clean your eyes if they are watering due to frequent eye contact with the monitor or screen. 

Neck exercise

People who sit for long hours on their chair working continuously usually complains about having neck pain, so you always try to rotate your neck left to right and right to left slowly whenever you feel little pain to your neck. You can also rotate your neck in up and down direction for gaining a relief. Your neck position should be straight while working in your office, and always keep your monitor screen in front of your face as by keeping monitor screen in irregular direction you can start feeling pain in your neck. If you are smoking due to hectic work pressure then you should avoid it completely because cigarette smoking is also one the reason for neck and other pains to body in office going working professionals.

Exercises for your back

For giving relaxation to your shoulders and your back you should always kneel yourself up and down while working. You should also bring your hands behind your back frequently for giving relief to your arms, shoulders and the back. Back pain is one the most common problem with working professionals so you should always sit straight on a comfortable chair.

Other important tips

Due to hectic work load many professionals start taking intoxicants like cigarette smoking, tobacco etc in the name of relief from work stress or having concentration on work, you should avoid taking any kind of intoxicants as they play like a catalyst for inviting more physical oriented diseases like back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain etc. Instead of taking intoxicants you can eat dry fruits, candy, biscuits or any other suitable eatable while working in your office. You should avoid chewing bubble gum as it will give you pains in jaw and also it is considered to be indecent while working in office.

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