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How to become a good public speaker


Majority of people are very comfortable while speaking in front of their friends or relatives but when it comes to speak in front of mass containing strangers they start feeling fear and they gets mute instantly. This type of people has less confidence and they are not able to make mass communication easily, speaking in public is not so easy task but by following few easy tips and rehearsal you can learn this art and can achieve huge success in your professional life. These days speaking in public is common in many schools, companies, college and even in your self business if you want to become a good public speaker then you need to be calm, focused and you have to free your hesitation. Below I am giving you few tips which will help you to speak in public without hesitation.

Practice really makes the man perfect

It is not just a saying but it's a fact that practice do makes the man perfect for attaining any specific goal in his life. You should speak your entire speech in front of mirror it will develop great confidence in you, even great personalities and celebrities do rehearsal before delivering any public speech which is always a good practice. While you are speaking in front of mirror you are able to see your own expressions, body language etc which gives you an idea that how you will look in front of public while delivering the speech. Speaking in front of mirror may sounds very funny but it will really help you to analyze your own public speaking strength so you should try to befriend with your mirror as soon as possible. 

Be calm and focused

While you are delivering your speech in front of a big mass you should control over your nerves and do not get feared easily, you must develop a can do approach within yourself. It has been seen that people who are afraid of speaking in front of public are generally very shy by nature and they always try to skip those types of work which involves a great number people and they have to speak in front of them, you should not be afraid and always participate in general and group discussions with people within your society, if you can not learn how to speak effectively then you may find yourself in a poor position with a bad career and a personal life.

While speaking publicly

Whenever you are invited to speak a public speech in front of big mass then do not learn your speech by heart as it will look very artificial and your listeners will feel bored, instead you should note down few points from your written speech and speak according to it. You speech should not be time consuming and neither should be very short, it should be lucid and should connect to your mass. You should also mention few examples like incidents or person in your speech which will add up interest in your listeners. You should also take care of the occasion while speaking a speech and speak according to it, for example a funeral speech should contain important points about the person on whom you are speaking too and it should not be strictly funny, other example can be taken any occasion like birthday or function where you can have little bit humorous words with sharing your experiences. 

One act play

One act play is one kind of exercise in which you are inspired to speak or reveal about your interests in a group or public. This is really helpful to children for shaping their minds; you can prepare lots of topic like current political affairs, social affairs, sports event etc and should present it in front of students in your school or society it will really give you a huge amount of self confidence for speaking boldly in public without feeling hesitation. It will also help you to present yourself in front of mass and if children are participating in such events from their childhood then it will surely help them in near future for giving a public speech, your child can also become a great public speaker with great confidence which can really help him in attaining a fruitful career and future.

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