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Tips on preventing dental problems caused due to hyper tension and depression


Generally, hyper tension is known for increasing the rate of physical oriented diseases like dental problems, heart problems, digestion issues, asthma and high blood pressure etc. But, as per results of a medical research it also causes damage to your teeth or dental organs. In the modern era of technology just like heart disease, cancer, asthma, high blood pressure etc even hyper tension is causing serious troubles to male and female counterparts. Unbalanced diet, the competition of earning more money, present life style is developing hyper tension among youth and various types of people. 

Hyper tension can resolve by some simple preventive measures and their impact on your teeth is mentioned below with appropriate remedial solutions:

Hyper tension is the root problem

Hyper tension is the root of many serious diseases like high blood pressure with depression, heart issues, migraine, asthma etc. Patient gets suicidal tendencies due to increase in depression and mental trauma. Hyper tension increases the problems of gums and cavities in youth. It also creates problems like hair fall, wrinkles on face in a very young age and dark circles near to your eyes. It can also increase the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood with higher possibilities of getting heart attack. 

Harmful to your teeth

Medical specialists have found through their research that hyper tension is causing serious troubles to patient's teeth also. It tampers the shine and beauty of teeth, with causing damage to roots and increases problems like gums and cavities. According to specialists, stress hormones frequently gets released due to hyper tension and it increases activeness of muscles which causes problems like bad temper or over excitement even patient's teeth can start shivering due to low blood pressure.

Teeth shivering problem destroys the enamel from your teeth and when enamel starts getting destroy it creates small fractures in your tooth and hence patient can not chew his food properly and always feel pain in his teeth. The other dental issues like pain while eating any cold or hot food item, shrinking of tooth gums, cavities disorder etc can be observed. Teeth shivering problem causes damage to the joint, the place where the both jaws viz. upper jaw and lower jaw meets and muscles which closes your mouth and food chewing muscles. 

Harmful results from teeth shivering

Teeth shivering causes pain in ears, issues in ear drum balls, even some patients have also complained about development of migraine issues in their daily life. Teeth's shivering also develops disease of insomnia (sleeping disorder) as this problem of shivering teeth frequently happens in night excessively. For preventing excess of teeth shivering and damage to your dental organs dentists prefers to use replacement as a night guard. But replacement is not the permanent solution, for destroying this disease of excess shivering of teeth one needs to destroy his hyper tension and depression completely. 

Remove your tension

Hyper tension or depression can occur due to office work pressure, or personal problems in family at home. Never bring your office problems in your home and always try to maintain balance between your professional and personal life. Try to take full sleep of 7 to 8 hrs in night with any break and avoid working late in nights. Maintain your body fitness by waking up early in the morning and going out for jogging or for a walk in a garden. Physical exercises and Yoga can also help to lower down your mental pressure and tensions. You can also join nearest swimming pool club or can go to lake or river for swimming as swimming also decreases mental tension and depression. Daily shower after coming from your office can also give you relief from stress and will keep you fresh and feel free. Stress free life without hypertension will give you a fresh and disease free life.

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